Membership & Submission Info

Selection Criteria

We acknowledge that every project has unique merits, and so, we remain flexible when viewing each submission. We often look for a combination of the categories below:

  • Narrative / Development
  • Originality / Creativity
  • Craft / Proficiency
  • Timeliness / Relevance

Please understand that we only select a small selection of the videos we receive.

We will notify you on the status of your submission, however, at this time we are unable to offer feedback.

We encourage you to share work with us prior to its release, however, we do not accept works-in-progress, trailers, or projects with a runtime that exceeds 40 minutes in length.

If your film is already publicly viewable online, we only consider work that has been released within the past two months, pay-to-view platforms and online password-protected festivals do not count towards this date.

Release Details (190K+ reach)

Added to our Library

Your project will be added to our website archive and be featured across both the homepage and under the relevant category pages. This includes the related and suggested boxes throughout the site.

We occasionally request a short Q&A with the director.

Posted to our Socials & Newsletter

Your project will be posted across select social handles. These may include INSTAGRAMX, FACEBOOK, or our NEWSLETTER.

All projects selected will be posted to the DIRECTORS’ LIBRARY website, but please understand that we do not post every selection to our Instagram. This policy is in place to protect our account from poor engagement that unfairly impacts future posts, and allows us to make selections that are not just based on how well a project might perform on Instagram.

Added to our Vimeo

If you provide us with a Vimeo link, we will add your video to our VIMEO channel providing that privacy settings allow. If the filmmaker/s provide us with clips, extracts, or trailers, we may upload these to our VIMEO profile.

We reserve the right to remove any video from our Library or social media accounts at any time.

Our 2024 guide on supplying supporting materials can be found HERE.

For any further information, please CONTACT US.